By Jimdo GmbH
Jimdo is a website creation and hosting service based in Germany since 2007. Their motto is Pages to the People! and they have helped people build over 10 million websites.
Their iPhone and iPad apps are written in RubyMotion and have been selected as "Best of 2013" by Apple!

RubyMotion empowered us to learn iOS in a very short time.
After spending time with Appcelerator Titanium, Jimdo realized it was slow, lacked flexibility and was lagging months behind Apple SDK releases.
Jimdo decided to switch to RubyMotion to write their iPhone and iPad apps. They were able to get native performance and also access the entire set of iOS APIs, including those from the latest SDK version.
New to Ruby and iOS, they found RubyMotion to be easy to learn. And their designers can now write code too!
Behind the curtains.
Jimdo for iOS is a gorgeous app that makes use of the whole spectrum of iOS technologies. There is almost no UIKit element that is not implemened and customized.
The Jimdo team use the Teacup library for designing the user interface of the app. Teacup makes it easy to properly decouple the UI code from the views or controllers and customize elements for different iOS versions and platforms.
Fans of testing, they have a suite of acceptance tests, using Frank and Cucumber, and a suite of functional tests, using RubyMotion's builtin framework.
"RubyMotion empowered us to learn iOS in a very short time. If you want to learn writing native iOS apps, RubyMotion is the fastest, most solid way to do it."
Christopher Tews, iOS Developer, Jimdo GmbH
Read the full interview on our blog