Terminal-based workflow
Create a project. Run your app in the simulator. Deploy on your device. Create an App Store package. Everything is just one command away.

Keep your editor
With RubyMotion, you get to keep using your favorite editor. Support is provided for most editors. Xcode and Eclipse are not used in any part of the process.

Embrace and extend
RubyMotion comes with its own flavor of gems that can be used to extend projects or apps. For iOS and OS X, CocoaPods is also supported natively.

Interactive development
Our interactive console (REPL) lets you navigate and introspect the iOS, OS X and Android APIs jungle with ease, from the comfort of your terminal.

Builtin testing
RubyMotion comes with a behavior-driven testing framework, specifically extended for our mobile platforms, and that is integrated into every new project.

RubyMotion provides a fully-functional debugger, on both the simulator and device, that will most certainly help you in case things get too hairy.