
  • 23 Oct

    RubyMotion Highlighted in ThoughtWorks Technology Radar

    ThoughtWorks, a large IT consulting firm, recently published the latest edition of its Technology Radar, a document aimed at covering technologies that should be explored by developers.

    RubyMotion is highlighted in the Languages & Frameworks section in the Assess ring, which encompasses technologies worth exploring with the goal of understanding how it will affect your enterprise.

    Introducing a Ruby compiler and toolchain for developing iOS applications, RubyMotion has unsurprisingly caused quite a stir in the ThoughtWorks development community. There continues to be a need to understand the underlying iOS APIs and some Objective-C when building applications, but there are clear benefits for those who find working with the Ruby language and tools more comfortable.

    Not bad, given that RubyMotion has only been released 6 months ago!


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